Art and development

ISH Institute opened in India

July 2007 -

ISH is an Amsterdam theatre group that combines skate, breakdance, hiphop and dance into a new type of expressive art. At the end of June 2007 the first overseas ISH Institute was opened in Bangalore (India), under the name of W-ISH.


Symposium Art and Social Change during APAC Theatre Festival Santa Cruz

June 2007 -

During the sixth Theatre Festival in Santa Cruz, Bolivia in April 2007, Red LA para la Transformación Social, the Latin American network for social change, organised a symposium on the strategies cultural institutions can use in order to gain more influence on social developments.


Art is not a beast of burden for good intentions

May 2007 -

Humans have an uncontrollable urge to sing, tell or write down stories, translate their fantasy into images, and dramatize their experiences or feelings. Joost Smiers on "Culture and Development".


Hivos Cinema Unlimited Award

April 2007 -

Development organization Hivos has established a cinema award: the Hivos Cinema Unlimited Award.


Runa bundles cultural strengths in Peru

April 2007 -

In Loreto, an isolated area in the Amazon, Peru's Runa organization is developing an interactive culture policy.


Art and culture in a shantytown in Argentina

February 2007 -

Odisea20, established in 2005, is a cultural project in the largest shantytown of Buenos Aires, Villa20/Lugano. The project is intended to give the inhabitants an artistic platform.


Theatre group Malayerba from Ecuador wants to be close to the people

December 2006 -

Theatre group Malayerba from Ecuador has been active for nearly thirty years. Their production Tirenle Tierra (Let's forget it) addresses male-female relationships and domestic violence.


"Women and development": workshop for artists from Ghana and Ethiopia

December 2006 -

The Foundation for Contemporary Art focuses on promoting and developing contemporary art inside and outside of Ghana. In November 2006 the Foundation organised a workshop for artists from Ghana and Ethiopia in cooperation with the Alliance Française and the French Embassy in Accra.


Peruvian theatre group LOT and the chaos in the world

November 2006 -

Exploring borders and spotlighting the social chaos of today are the objectives of La Otra Orilla (LOT). The Peruvian multidisciplinary theatrical group's objectives are making it an international hit. Actor Rafael Freyre: “Artistic freedom comes first and foremost for us.”


"Community art is an international hype"

November 2006 -

“Community art often finds its origins in social dissatisfaction and the will to do something about it.” Initiator Eugene Van Erven about the community theatre festival 'Art in my backyard' to be held in Utrecht from 23 to 26 November.

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